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Dr. Kelly Kang D.C. believes there is a better way to make yourself and your pets better. She is also AVCA certified. Before you consider pain medication, surgery or worse consider animal chiropractics as a safe alternative.


What Is Animal Chiropractic?


Animal Chiropractic helps and maintains the neuro-musculoskeletal system of the animal.


How can my animal be affected?


The spine houses the brain and the spinal cord, when there is a dysfunction (spinal fixation) with the spine (vertebrae) there can be an interference with the performance of the nerve that branches from the spinal cord which goes off to the muscles and organs. This can lead to tension, pain and even organ dysfunction and affect the overall well being of the animal.

What are some spinal fixations symptoms?

There are vast amount of symptoms that may arise, from pain and sensitivity from touch, stiffness, change of gait, lameness and compromises with the overall posture.


How does Animal Chiropractic help?


Animal Chiropractic is not meant to replace traditional veterinary care but rather an integrative method in conjunctive with veterinary care to optimize the animals overall well-being.